Understanding maritime security in Kenya

As part of the July field visits, the core project team of SAFESEAS visited Nairobi and Mombasa (Kenya) to gain a better understanding of the maritime security sector in the country. Kenya attaches increasing importance to the maritime sector, signified not the least by the creation of the presidents Blue Economy Committee in 2017.

During the stay, project members discussed with the Border Management Committee that brings all implementing agencies together, in particular, the Kenya Maritime Authority, the Marine Police, the Fishery Service, and Port Security. The team also met with a number of experts and observers working in the maritime sector and visited the regional information sharing center in the port of Mombasa.

Part of the visit was also several meetings with our partner institution, the University of Nairobi. The team met with Vice-Chancellor and held an interactive workshop with students in maritime law at the School of Law of the University.

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