Understanding Maritime Security – go-to resource now available in print

The book Understanding Maritime Security written by SafeSeas directors Christian Bueger and Timothy Edmunds is now available in print with Oxford University Press and all book sellers. What early reviewers said: “Understanding Maritime Security is a ‘must-read’ for any government official, practitioner, or student who needs to get a handle on contemporary security challenges in … Read more

Navigating the Future of Maritime Cyber Security

The maritime domain is an increasingly busy and industrialised space. Over 80% of the volume of all global trade is conducted by sea. Maritime trade, and the ships and ports that enable it to take place, are the lifeblood of the global economy. Yet, the maritime sector also faces a series of threats and risks to its … Read more

2nd symposium on Critical Maritime Infrastructure Protection in North Sea

The North Sea is a strategic space in the green energy transition and an increasingly industrialized infrastructure space. In many ways the regional sea is a laboratory for how to organize critical maritime infrastructure protection (CMIP). As part of the partnership with the University of Copenhagen and the University of Edinburgh, SafeSeas was co-organizing a … Read more